5 Common Garage Door Sensor Problems And How A Repair Technician Can Help

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Improve Your Home This Spring

Do you desperately desire to start some fun home renovation projects this spring? If you’ve been bitten by the remodeling bug, consider investing in a new garage door for your house. Installing a new garage door can completely transform the exterior of your place. For instance, installing a reclaimed wooden garage door can give your home a trendy rustic look. Painting a new garage door a bright color such as turquoise or orange can also give your place the wow factor. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most popular types of garage doors available on the market today. Enjoy!


5 Common Garage Door Sensor Problems And How A Repair Technician Can Help

7 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

A small but integral part of your garage system, sensors detect obstructions, preventing accidents and damage. However, they're not immune to issues, from misalignment to external interferences.

Understanding these problems is the first step towards troubleshooting, ensuring reliable operation for your garage door. This article will delve into these common sensor problems and how a professional can lend a hand.


A misalignment happens when the two sensors fail to align correctly, disrupting the infrared beam used to detect obstructions. External factors like a bump from a car or a hard knock can cause this misalignment.

A professional technician can easily realign the sensors using specialized equipment, ensuring optimal performance. They can also help assess the cause of misalignment, allowing you to take preventative measures.

Dirt and Debris

Over time, dust, dirt, or spider webs can accumulate on the sensor lens, blocking the infrared beam. This can cause the garage door to malfunction as the sensor interprets this blockage as an obstruction.

A professional can thoroughly clean the lenses using the appropriate cleaning materials, restoring the sensor's functionality. They can also help you prevent this issue from recurring by recommending a regular maintenance schedule.

Electrical Issues

Problems like frayed wires or loose connections can interrupt the sensor's power supply, causing it to malfunction. Also, a low power supply due to a weak battery can cause the sensors to fail.

You should contact a professional in such situations as they have the technical know-how to test and diagnose the cause of electrical issues. They can also install new batteries or reconnect loose connections, solving the issue quickly and efficiently.

Interference from External Sources

Things like sunlight, electronic devices, or even a neighbor's garage door opener can interfere with your sensor's signal. Signal interference can also result when two garage door openers have a similar frequency, causing them to conflict. Your repair technician can install shields or adjust the sensor's angle to mitigate such disturbances, enabling the sensor to work effectively.

Wear and Tear

Like any other device, garage door sensors can deteriorate over time due to constant use and exposure to harsh environmental conditions. The sensors may lose sensitivity, causing the door to malfunction or fail completely.

In such cases, a professional should inspect your garage door sensors. They can assess the damage and replace worn-out components, restoring your garage door's functionality.

If your garage door isn't working as it should, chances are that its sensors may be to blame. Damaged wiring or low battery power can cause the sensor to malfunction. Also, external sources such as sunlight or other electronic devices can interfere with the sensor's signal.

For more information on garage door repair, contact a professional near you.