How To Lubricate Garage Doors

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Improve Your Home This Spring

Do you desperately desire to start some fun home renovation projects this spring? If you’ve been bitten by the remodeling bug, consider investing in a new garage door for your house. Installing a new garage door can completely transform the exterior of your place. For instance, installing a reclaimed wooden garage door can give your home a trendy rustic look. Painting a new garage door a bright color such as turquoise or orange can also give your place the wow factor. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most popular types of garage doors available on the market today. Enjoy!


How To Lubricate Garage Doors

18 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If your garage door makes too much noise, it likely needs lubrication. Lubricating the garage door mechanisms periodically helps to prevent the elements from rusting the parts to keep it working smoothly, and to stop further damage. However, different parts of the door require different lubricants, so it won't make a bigger mess. Follow these steps to lubricate the garage door parts.

Prepare to Lubricate the Door

To lubricate the door, gather: 

  • work gloves
  • safety goggles
  • step-ladder
  • rags
  • vacuum
  • utility brush 
  • graphite  dust
  • light motor oil
  • white lithium grease
  • non-silicone spray lubricant 

Some screw-type mechanism openers don't require lubrication, so consult your manual. Close the door completely, and pull the red release cord to detach the door from the opener. 

Wipe the track with a damp rag, using a utility brush or vacuum to remove tough debris, climbing a step-ladder to reach higher areas of the door. Avoid lubricating tracks, since it attracts more dirt, which interferes with rollers. 

Lubricate the Springs and Bearing Plates

Standard household oil is not the best choice to use on garage doors because it drips and attracts dust. Read the label to make certain the lubricant is suitable for garage doors, and choose an aerosol can with a straw, if possible, to reach tight spaces. After lubricating each part, raise and lower the door several times to circulate grease.

Locate the springs at the top of the door, and the bearing plates are the round parts on the spring ends. Avoid touching the springs manually. Mist or rub a thin layer of light motor oil using a rag on the exterior of the springs and the middle of the bearing plates. 

Lubricate Rollers, Hinges, and Other Mechanisms

Before you lubricate rollers, contact you manufacture,r or refer to your manual to make certain lubricating rollers, the round wheels that move the track is safe. Load the lithium grease in the grease gun, and dab a small amount on the end of the spindles or axles and spray the roller bearings with the silicone lubricant. Apply the lubricant starting from the top of the door. 

Slowly raise the door manually. Spray the pivot pins that connect sectioned doors and the hinges with one or two spray coats where the connect at the bend.

Apply a thin line of lubricant along the drive shaft, the long pole on the main box. Spray some lubricant inside the lock keyhole and on the armbar. Spray the top rail, since this part holds the chain, but it isn't necessary to spray the bottom rail. To learn more, visit a website like