Is Your Garage Door Broken Or Too Old? 3 Reasons To Upgrade It

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Do you desperately desire to start some fun home renovation projects this spring? If you’ve been bitten by the remodeling bug, consider investing in a new garage door for your house. Installing a new garage door can completely transform the exterior of your place. For instance, installing a reclaimed wooden garage door can give your home a trendy rustic look. Painting a new garage door a bright color such as turquoise or orange can also give your place the wow factor. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most popular types of garage doors available on the market today. Enjoy!


Is Your Garage Door Broken Or Too Old? 3 Reasons To Upgrade It

13 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

An old or broken garage door or one that's faulty in any way can be a huge liability. So if yours isn't working or has developed an issue that repairs can't fix, consider installing a new one. There are countless reasons why replacing that malfunctioning door should be a priority. Besides boosting your property's aesthetic appeal, a new door can also increase your home's resale value, enhance security, and help you save on energy. Here are three reasons installing a new garage door is a plus and why a seasoned installer should install it.

Enhanced Security Features

Broken, old, or weak garage doors can provide a potential entry point for burglars or break-ins. However, a door with advanced security features can greatly reduce the risk of your home becoming a target for criminal activity. So if yours is a threat to your security, consider installing a new one to enhance it. 

Most modern doors are equipped with advanced locking mechanisms, tamper-resistant panels, and secure safety sensors, ensuring your home remains safe and secure 24/7. Also, their systems utilize smart technology, making it easier to monitor the door and control it from anywhere using your smartphone. This offers you peace of mind and the ability to constantly check your property's security, even while at work or on vacation.

Increased Energy Efficiency

A poorly insulated door can contribute to unwanted heat loss or gain in your home and strain your heating and cooling systems, ultimately increasing energy bills. Modern doors are usually designed with energy efficiency in mind. As a result, they offer improved insulation and air sealing qualities, which help minimize temperature fluctuations.

A new door offers added insulation that allows you to maintain a more consistent temperature inside the garage, reducing the workload for your HVAC system. Therefore, an energy-efficient door is a worthwhile investment because it helps you save more on energy bills. Moreover, modern doors are also eco-friendly, so they positively impact the environment by reducing the carbon footprint levels in your home. 

Boosted Property Value

Installing a new garage door is a noble investment because it helps increase the overall value of your property, making it a wise investment for both aesthetic and financial reasons. Potential buyers are typically impressed by a home's external appearance, and a stylish, modern door can contribute positively to this perception. Moreover, enhanced energy efficiency and security are some of the desirable attributes a new door offers. The door can also help further increase the value of your home and attract interested buyers.

The most important thing is to ensure you hire a competent installer to install the new garage door for you. Usually, the door can be more reliable, safer, easier to use, and more efficient when installed by a seasoned technician. The installer also outlines the maintenance tips that could help keep the door in good shape for a long time.

Contact a local garage door installer to learn more.